Your Standard Membership and The Mangazines

On 14/11/2016


Here is summary of 3 mangazines which you will recieve even after your standard membership expiration, or change to web membership.

If your registeration is :

between Oct. 01 2015 and Dec. 31 2015 you will recieve Vol.3 + 4 + 5

between Jan. 01 2016 and Avr. 30 2016 you will recieve Vol.4 + 5 + 6

between May 01 2016 and Aug. 31 2016 you will recieve Vol. 5 + 6 + 7


from 01 Sep. 2016 to 31 Dec. 2016 you will recieve Vol. 6 + 7 + 8  (if you renew your standard membership )